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  • EASM91

WWF In Your House 8: Beware of Dog 1996 DVD5

Actualizado: 21 ene


Evento: WWF In Your House 8: Beware of Dog

Año: 1996

Idioma: Ingles

Extras: No

Peso: 4.35GB

Estandar: PAL

Formato: DVD Video (Carpeta Audio - Video)

Servidor: MEGA

Contraseña para descomprimir: EASM91

P. D.: Del PPV original solo se pudieron transmitir 2 luchas mas el Free For All y el resto fueron dark matches ya que el dia de dicho evento una tormenta genero un apagon lo que obligo a reagendar el evento denominandolo Beware of Dog 2 donde se mostraron las 2 luchas del evento original y luego la transmision del evento reagendado, esa es la razon del cambio de escenografia

Match Card:

Free For All Preview WWF Tag Team Championship Match

The Godwinns (Henry O. Godwinn & Phineas I. Godwinn) (with Hillbilly Jim & Sunny) vs The Smoking Gunns (Bart & Billy Gunn)

Marc Mero (with Sable) vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

WWF Championship Match

Shawn Michaels (with Jose Lothario) vs The British Bulldog (with Diana Smith, Clarence Mason & Owen Hart)


Caribbean Strap Match

Savio Vega vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (with Ted Dibiase) (if Stone Cold Wins, Savio Vega become Ted Dibiase's chauffeur, if Savio Vega Wins, Ted Dibiase is forced to leave WWF)

Yokozuna vs Vader (with Jim Cornette)

WWF Intercontinental Championship Casket Match

Goldust (with Marlena) vs The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)


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