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WWF In Your House 26: Rock Bottom 1998 DVD5


Evento: WWF In Your House 27: Rock Bottom

Año: 1998

Idioma: Ingles

Extras: No

Peso: 4.35GB

Estandar: PAL

Formato: DVD Video (Carpeta Audio - Video)

Servidor: MEGA

Contraseña para descomprimir: EASM91

Match Card:

Tag Team Match

Supply & Demand (The Godfather & Val Venis) vs D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry (with Jacqueline & Terri Runnels)

Tag Team Match

The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) vs The Oddities (Golga & Kurrgan) (with Giant Silva & Luna Vachon)

Owen Hart vs Steve Blackman

6-Man Tag Team Match

The Brood (Gangrel, Edge & Christian) vs The J. O. B. Squad (Al Snow, Bob Holly & Scorpio) (with Head)

Strip Tease Match

Goldust vs Jeff Jarrett (with Debra)

WWF Tag Team Championship Match

The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) vs The Corporation (Big Boss Man & Ken Shamrock) With Shawn Michaels)

WWF Championship Match

The Rock (with Vince & Shane McMahon) vs Mankind

Buried Alive Match for the right to compete in the 1999 Royal Rumble Match

The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) vs Stone Cold Steve Austin


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