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WWF In Your House 20: No Way Out 1998 DVD5

Actualizado: 22 ene


Evento: WWF In Your House 20: No Way Out

Año: 1998

Idioma: Ingles

Extras: No

Peso: 4.35GB

Estandar: PAL

Formato: DVD Video (Carpeta Audio - Video)

Servidor: MEGA

Contraseña para descomprimir: EASM91

Match Card:

Tag Team Match

The Headbangers vs Marc Mero & The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust (with Sable & Luna)

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Match

Taka Michinoku vs Pantera

Tag Team Match

The Godwinns (Henry O.Godwinn & Phineas I. Godwinn) vs The Quebecers (Jacques & Pierre)

NWA North American Heavyweight Championship Match

Jeff Jarrett (with Jim Cornette) vs Justin Bradshaw

War of Attrition Match

The Nation of Domination ("The Rock" Rocky Maivia, Faarooq, D'Lo Brown, Kama Mustafa & Mark Henry) vs Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson & The Disciples of Apocalypse (Chainz, 8-Ball & Skull)

Kane (with Paul Bearer) vs Vader

Non-Sanctioned Match

Stone Cold Steve Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Savio Vega & The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) (with Chyna)


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