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  • EASM91

WWF In Your House 1: Premiere 1995 DVD5

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Evento: WWF In Your House 1 - Premiere

Año: 1995

Idioma: Ingles

Extras: No

Peso: 4.35GB

Estandar: PAL

Formato: DVD Video (Carpeta Audio - Video)

Servidor: MEGA

Contraseña para descomprimir: EASM91

Match Card:

Bret Hart vs Hakushi (with Shinja)

Handicap Match

Razor Ramon vs Jeff Jarrett & The Roadie

King of the Ring Qualifying Match

Adam Bomb vs Mabel (with Mo)

WWF Tag Team Championship Match

Owen Hart & Yokozuna (with Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji) vs The Smoking Gunns (Bart & Billy Gunn)

Bret Hart vs Jerry Lawler

WWF Championship Match

Diesel vs Sid (with Ted Dibiase)

The undertaker (with Paul Bearer) vs Kama (with Ted Dibiase)

Tatanka vs Bam Bam Bigelow

P. D.: La ultima lucha de este ppv fue un king of the ring qualifying match entre Owen Hart vs The British Bulldog, pero al terminar en empate no fue colocado en el dvd.


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